
Chapter 8 - A Professor.

Scouting around for a new unused plot Loki spent the next few days performing the same routine-

Get up, go to school and solve homework for various students, buy burgers at WcDonalds, eat food with Elane, and then search for a new plot to build their home together.

Loki had a few categories he wanted to match while looking for the new plot.

He wanted it to be close to the schools.

He wanted it to be in an unused location that could be hidden easily.

And finally, he wanted it to be close to supermarkets so that he could steal things from their dumpsters, like clothes and accessories for convenience.

'Well, the South is a no-go since that's where all the gangs are.'

'North and West are a no-go since they are too far.'

'East it is.'

Trotting off onto another journey of searching for plots to shift their shack to, Loki walked hand in hand with Elane as they scanned the houses in East London for any area to live in.


Loki stopped suddenly as he noticed an oddity in one of the homes in the wall of houses that lined his sides.

"What happened Big Bwother?" Elane asked cutely tilting her head to the side to look at Loki.

"I think we've found our home." Loki smiled and walked along with Elane to the dark and dingy house that stood precariously on its last foundations to find out if he was right.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Is anyone there!?"

With a sharp rap of his knuckles, Loki knocked on the fragile half-burnt doors and wondered if anyone would answer him.

Seeing the everlasting silence reign supreme, Loki pushed open the door and boorishly stepped inside the tattered house.

'As expected. There's no one in here.'

Walking in a little bit more, Loki observed the house for any signs of recent use and found none.

No needles, empty bottles or even strange smells remained. The house wasn't perfect mind you since it was dominated by the smell of burnt wood, but Lokki didn't mind.

Although most of the house had burned down, some of the rooms appeared livable.

"This place will do well little sis."

"But it's so dark! Manny and Gungy won't wike being in the dark for so wong."

"Hmm~ Let's go upstairs."

Loki walked ahead and Elane quietly followed as they reached the topmost floor of the double-storey house.

The top room was well lit with sunlight pouring into it from the large window on its side and the roof which had holes in it.

Loki looked at the roof and frowned since it would be a problem when it rained, but beggars couldn't be choosers and Elane seemed to like it too since she had already begun telling Loki how she would arrange her toys on the shelves here.

"Big Bwother! I can build a castle for Delphi and Cori here."

"Yes, yes, we'll live in this place for now, let's bring all your toys here."


Walking back to their home Loki and Elane rested for the night, except Elane couldn't sleep much at all because she was so excited, and early the next morning, after Loki was back from solving children's homework, they collectively bound all of Elane's toys in a large cloth and carried it to their new home.

"Big Bwother!!!!"

Elane shouted as she ran around the house jumping in joy at the new roof over their heads but Loki quickly reminded her to keep her voice down.

"Elane! Shhhh! Remember, we will only win the game against our neighbours if we keep absolutely quiet!"

"Hehe~ Okie big bwother." Elane whispered with a finger on her lips.

'Hmm…although this house has burnt down, I doubt the neighbours would take kindly to two kid tramps living in the house. Better we keep quiet and don't get caught.'

Loki looked around the house and nodded in satisfaction since this would do for now until they were either evicted by other goons or discovered by the owner or their neighbours.

"Come on Elane, let's sleep. Don't want to be awake the whole night again!"

Elane nodded and moved down to the room where they had found an old mattress, snuggled close to each other and drifted off to a pleasant sleep.

Getting up the next day, Loki once again sneaked onto a bus to go to the school and after reaching there, he sat down on the bench that had become his go-to spot during the morning.

After a few days of repeatedly asking students to advertise for him and doing work at half the price, today was finally the day a group arrived in front of him without having to shout like a street hawker.

"Can I interest you in my services Sirs and Madams?" Loki said politely with a business smile on his face.

The students immediately opened their books to ask Loki about solving the homework for them.

"So one math class seven, one science class ten and one math class ten? Will that be all?" Loki said like it was no big deal.

"Yes. That will be all." A boy said handing over the books to Loki.

Loki began solving everything and as he did so with total absorption he did not notice a tall man with an English moustache arriving behind the group of kids and peering at him from above.

Looking at Loki solving the problems in an unorthodox manner, the man was unable to contain his excitement as he immediately pushed the children aside and moved to the front to observe Loki's answers.

"Professor!" The children were startled and they all pulled their books from Loki and rushed away, leaving Loki confused and a little angry since they hadn't paid him for the work he had finished.

As Loki lifted his head up to gaze at the source of the problem he found the tall British Man looking at him with adoration and felt a little scared.

'Is he here to kidnap me?'

'Perhaps he is a well-known child molester?'

'Maybe that's why the kids ran away from him?'

Loki covered himself as best as he could and tried to move away from the British man but before he could fully escape the man placed a hand on his shoulder.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Loki cried as he did his best to push away the man but his iron grip didn't let him escape.

"Young man calm down! I come here with good intentions!"


Loki did his best to shout but after a second the man blocked Loki's mouth not allowing a single sound to come out.


"Ouch!!! You're one rude boy!!" The man complained but he still held Loki down with his other hand.

Seeing that the man wasn't trying to do anything other than stop him from running away, Loki calmed down a little so that he could reassess the man properly himself.

"Who are you?" Loki finally asked.

"I'm John Elton. I'm the Math professor at Stonewall High."

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