
Chapter 363 - Pre Planning.

Loki took a few deep breaths to calm himself down as various thoughts assaulted his mental stability in waves.

After a few deep breaths, Loki pulled himself together and with his teeth clenched faked a smile as he calmed his rippling mind forcefully.

Loki spent time browsing through his entire body of heart and mind, searching for corruption or any source of eternal manipulation that he could connect to what had just happened to him, except he couldn't find anything wrong anywhere.

Loki remained frowning.

' did this even happen then?'

'Is the spell something that doesn't manipulate you directly but in an indirect fashion?'

'Does it conceal the information itself directly?'

'Somehow through the sea of subconscious? You can't retain the information to make any inferences out of it?'

Loki remained frowning as he tried to theorise how Dumbledore's spell worked. He couldn't make much sense out of it since he'd never seen or even interacted with a Beyonder of the Visionary pathway before, but Loki managed to ascertain a few scraps.

'Did 'Adam' come in contact with the Chaos Sea…?'

Loki remained silent for a few minutes, trying to decide if he'd divine to know more about this or stop digging into the newly opened rabbit hole. And-

'Whatever it is, it is clearly out of my pay grade…for now.'

'You-know-who is using 'Adam's' ability to conceal his plans.'

'And 'Adam' is helping him to further his own plans?'

Loki kept frowning as he looked nowhere in particular, his thoughts clouding his vision as he couldn't see past it all in a way that could make him understand how he could manipulate it all.

'Let's be rational about all this.'

'So you-know-who has an idea that he wants to execute.'

'Adam is likely planning to involve Harry Potter in it at the end of the day.'

'And in all this, I want to perform my own advancement ritual.'

'To usurp the expectations of not just a saint but also an Angel at the same time while keeping myself alive enough to be able to advance by drinking my potion while doing so…'

'This is going to be difficult.'

Loki played with the ring on his finger. Fidgeting with it as he thought through his plans about the situation.

'Let's do a count first.'

'In you-know-who's camp are the death eaters he's rescued from Azkaban, the death eaters that have renounced him and escaped being imprisoned into Azkaban, the teacher that has infiltrated Hogwarts, and finally an outer god.'

'In 'Adam's' camp are the Hogwarts teachers, the ministry of magic, Harry Potter and his friends, and…Gehrman Sparrow who he aims to control to benefit Harry.'

'Then there's the Ministry of Magic which has several Unspeakables…

'But…Laura is kinda, sorta, in my camp.'

'You-know-who wants to advance to Sequence 2 Bloody Archduke.'

'Adam wants to get Harry to advance.'

'And I want to advance myself.'

'To advance myself, I need to derail the advancement of You-know-who and Harry Potter.'

'To derail their rituals, I'd need to distract them in some way…'

'Harry I can distract easily as long as you-know-who is trying to advance. I'm sure his ritual is probably something related to protecting various people so he'll try and stop you-know-who from advancing.'

'If he's still a Sequence 5 Guardian that is…'

'If he becomes a Sequence 4 Demon Hunter, that would mean he likely has to kill several death eaters…'

'But since 'Adam' would not 'appear' to support that, he likely will give Harry a 'weapon' that 'disables' them. Perhaps some form of corrution-inducing weapon or something that allows him to control them.'

'But to derail him, I'd have to do something with the weapon…'

'...perhaps make you-know-who steal the weapon and make Harry fight to get it back from him? Inducing a slight twist in 'Adam's' plans?'

'And you-know-who?'

'To derail his plans for the event I have to most likely derail his preparation.'

'His preparation…?'

'The souls he seems to have captured and ones that are locked behind 'Adam's' fidelius charm?'

'How would I destroy his preparations… without knowing what they're about…?'

'I mean, technically I have asked Laura to help me destroy the demon in Knockturn Alley, so I can count on her to help derail the plot here.'

'But the trick will be making you-know-who reveal his preparations.'

'I have to get him to do it in a way I can cause him to lower his guard regarding it, such that I hold out long enough in a fight with him where I can allow Laura to appear wherever we are and contest with him while I ruin his preparations…'

'Can I fight with him long enough to bring out Laura remains to be answered though…'

Loki thought in silence, his mind cooking up various plans as they were all struck down in advance because of the various problems and complexities associated with them.

He thought of trying to trap Voldemort in some sort of an illusion but knew it'd be beyond impossible to be able to do such a thing since Voldemort was likely more trained than him in figuring out falsities because of his fights with Dumbledore.

'Even with a flawless illusion to trap and hold him down…I still need a way to get past his danger premonition for good.'

'Because even a sloppy danger premonition will absolutely ruin the experience of the illusion.'

Loki thought for a while but couldn't figure out a direct answer.

'I've already tried with Tom's soul but he's too weak for me to reliably base my plans on.'

'And even with all my work till now, I haven't found a reliable method to attack 'Him' such that it works in a prolonged way in a fight without 'Him' just using occlumency to shield out my new mental spell.'

'Especially when he's probably trained even better because he's faced against 'Adam' who's from the Visionary pathway...'

Loki frowned as he stroked his chin.

His posture reflected his chaotic thoughts as he tried to figure out something that would work well.

But even after a few minutes, the best Loki was able to come up with was a blank.

Except in the face of this wall, Loki decided to think about it a little differently.

'How would an assassin think about this?'

'How would Fleur think about this?'

Loki conjured an illusion of Fleur sitting in the Tarot Club meeting while simultaneously conjuring Mr. World on the other end of the table.

"Miss Emperess, how would you fight a Sequence 3 Blatherer? Specifically, how would you disable his danger premonition ability?"

Fleur tapped her fingers on her elbow for a few seconds as she appeared to be thinking before she turned to look at Mr. World and answered-

Except the next words didn't come out of her mouth, they came out of Loki's.

"One way would be to destroy something important or close to the Saint, it can give you a well-meaning distraction in the fight which can be used to exploit and assassinate the Saint."


"Of course, of course!"

"How stupid!"

"Of course, it's this easy!"

"How didn't I think about that before?!"

"I have something so close to 'Him' with me from the start! I should've thought of this on my own!"

But then Loki suddenly frowned.

"But that begs the question…how do I even do that?"

"To do that to a Saint...will it give me the window of opportunity I need?"

"This…it isn't something just about anyone can do…"

'Should I ask Nicholas and Prenelle for help instead of Laura?'

'No, they'll probably eat me alive if I even indicated that I was going to fight against a Sequence 3 Saint while I'm not even a demigod.'

'I can't even let them get a hint about it…'

Loki finally stood up and stretched around for a while as he relaxed his mind while thinking-

"I should read more books about magic in the Room of Requirements…"

"Rowena's bound to have some tips and tricks that can help me fight you-know-who on temporarily equal terms…"

"Is it cheating to literally have notes from the inventor of magic on your side?"

"Well bullying a Sequence 5 while being a Sequence 3 Saint is cheating too…"


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