
Phoenix's fated half

Because of her ancestors, Mi Rong’s lineage has been cursed. She was born a princess, but neither was she saved from it. Like a ripple effect, her family line must atone for their actions. On every 100th full moon, a candidate is chosen to finish a mission. Being the chosen one, Mi Rong must finish her task sent by the heavens. She was sent to modern time with a sidekick wolf that had many hidden secrets beneath his paws. He was one of a kind, a spiritual beast from way before Mi Rong was born. As Mi Rong works her way in this modern world, she crosses path with a cold-hearted young man, Feng Jun Kai. Jun Kai was once a well-known superstar but abruptly retired when he had lost his wife in an accident, leaving his heart shut away from others. What was thought to be an accident turned out to be an intentional act by someone behind the scenes. Henceforth, he seeks for the culprit that lurks in the darkness. He returns back to his family business roots where he returns as the infamous young master Feng. Mi Rong’s only clue to her mission was to find a spellbook. While searching she establishes a company, the Xuan Group, selling ancient goods which later becomes one of the most influential underdogs in the business world. The group became known to the world, but very little was known of them, especially the mysterious leader of the pack. As Jun Kai seeks for his answers and Mi Rong goes through her trial in the open, an undercurrent stirs roughly beneath them. Although two with different goals, both collide in the same paths as the string of fate leads them to meet. Entering his cold rigid heart was as dimmed as the dark side of the moon, but an ending to the twisted connection had to be made. In the end, what was to come all fell on her choices... ... Jun Kai did not let her run away from him any longer and forcefully pulled her in. His hands then quickly pulled the mask away from her face. Mi Rong was not ready for Jun Kai's sudden move and was unable to stop him. The black cloth that was wrapped around as her mask was pulled off, revealing her face beneath it. The cloth flew away along with the wind. Jun Kai's eyes widened. It was a blow to Jun Kai. He was taken aback with shock. Different kinds of emotion were rushing inside him. It was stirring up all at once like a hurricane. No words could describe how he was feeling. His hand slowly reached out to the face he had known all along, "Why?" Jun Kai's voice began choking up and could speak no more. It was her all along?

Chapter 1 - Present time


Everyone within the bomb's proximity began hearing sharp ringing sounds tuning in their eardrums. It was like when one turned the radio but couldn't find a signal. 

Screams after screams could be heard and springs after springs of tears were seen at the scene. On top of that, loud siren sounds coming from the ambulance trucks were coming from many different directions. In a short moment, the ordinary and unspecial place had become utter chaos.

A few laid unconscious on the ground and some were crouched up in pain. At the same time, medical staffs rushed out the ambulance trucks with stretchers and more medical staffs had rushed out from the hospital close to the crash scene with their medical kits to give first aid on everyone as soon as possible.

The crash came first, then the worst came.

Mi Rong tried to get up from her fall, but she couldn't fight back the tremendous pain that was taking a toll over her consciousness. And soon, her eyes slowly gave up and gradually everything turned black.


Seoul, South Korea

10 minutes before the crash.

"Haaa, I'm done." Shen Mi Rong couldn't help but grumble to herself as she walked down the stairs of the hospital that she was working at. Her hair was tied up in a simple ponytail and she hardly any makeup on, but even so, her skin was as fresh as the morning dew.

...Back from where this princess came from, there wouldn't be these much patients to treat.

...But, I do need to give credits to those people who created all these...wait what were they called again? Ah! Te-tech-no-lo-gy, hm, that's the word.

...Well, it's been 3 long months and I can't wait to go back. All I need to do is to find that book and I leave this place. But that book is the key to going back.

"Nurse! Please wait." A voice had called out urgently behind her back as the person was afraid he would lose her if he hadn't called her.

"Huh?" Mi Rong reluctantly stopped in her steps.

...Couldn't they give her a break ah, it's 5 pm people.

Despite her reluctance, she still decided to turn around. When she did, she could see a young man roughly in his twenties hurrying over her way. Mi Rong squinted her eyes to get a better look at the young man before opening her eyes when she realized who he was.

...Wasn't he the last patient that she had treated?

Mi Rong slowly took her hands from her shirt pockets and waited for the young man to speak.

When he stopped in front of her, the young man didn't even catch his breath and he began telling his gratitude towards her, "I am so thankful for saving my life back there. Ahem, I was just thinking...if I can ask for your phone number?" There was a flirtatious gaze from his pair of eyes.

Mi Rong raised her brows.

...Her phone number?

This young man was truly asking for a spank from this princess, hmph, trying to hit on this princess. Back from where she came from, no one would dare come up and ask her in such a fear for their life. Slowly, a dangerous smile was revealed on her face, "Well, let me tell you this..."

Mi Rong slightly leaned forward and was about to lecture this 'young man' on how to hit on someone and how not to hit on someone. They were all the tips from her past life and her feisty nature was still fresh from her past, it was just waiting to be unleashed...

...and this young man was asking for it.


On the other side, a young mother with her five-year-old daughter were getting on a bus to go home. The young mother let her daughter choose where to sit and they both ended up to the very back of the bus.

When people on the bus saw the little girl, they couldn't help but compliment how cute she was. Her lovely face was radiating all around the bus like it was her charm and of course, her mother was an older version of her. Although the little girl had a simple plait and a flowery dress on, it did not look like she was an ordinary girl.

Once everyone got on the bus smoothly, the bus driver finally took off as usual and the passengers on the bus went back to their own world. Some were playing on their phones while others were reading the daily newspaper. The mother and daughter were happily chatting together.

But the bus couldn't go far.

All of a sudden, the driver began losing control of the wheel. Cold sweat began forming on his face as he tried to stop the bus.

Beneath the bus, where there should be four wheels, one of them began rattling rigorously and soon the screws couldn't hold onto it any longer and in the end, one of the wheels came off.

The bus driver pressed hard on the breaks, but it was of no use. It was as if the bus was now moving on its own.

All the passengers on the bus had instantly stopped what they were doing and were holding on for their dear life. While some were shaking with fear, some closed their eyes in despair. Those who came with their loved ones stuck close to each other as if this was going to be the last moment they were going to spend together.

At the same time, all the cars on the road and the people on the footpath saw the frightening sight of the bus and immediately moved as far as possible from the bus.

Many prayed for the bus to stop...

...but instead, the bus began to speed up and the three wheels that were left were now burning with smoke. It didn't take long before another wheel of the bus was busted open because of the tension and force upon it. 

Everyone screamed at the sound of the large tire burst.

Then, when everyone thought it was already bad enough, the bus took a swirl and finally swayed into a large streetlamp on the side of the road. After the loud collision, the bus then toppled over to the side where there were no wheels left and at the same time, breaking all the windows on that side.

The two wheels that were still intact with the bus were still spinning around in the air as if the bus was still moving and soon, the bus was covered with smoke.

Inside, the bus driver had just about missed the streetlamp, so his impact wasn't fatal. Meanwhile, the rest of the passengers were also not seriously injured and were just trying to recover from the collision.

But the worst had yet to come...

After some time, everyone inside was trying to get themselves up. Then a loud sound of glass was broken; one of the passengers had just smashed the emergency window. Not long after, more passengers started doing the same and tried their best to get out.

However, at the very back of all the seats. A little girl was lying softly in her mother's arms.

"Honey, are you alright?" The mother voice was slightly trembling as she checked her daughter's condition.

The little girl's eyes slightly fluttered in response and slowly she softly replied, "Ma Mi, my leg hurts."

The young mother grew worried and looked over to check on her daughter's injured leg. After checking, she quickly suppressed her fear and warmly spoke beside her daughter, "Hm, it looks just fine, you will be alright. Just keep looking at Mami, ok?"

Despite having some crystal tears in her eyes, but the little girl nodded her head seriously to her mother, "Yes, Mami."

"Uh huh honey, just look at me, okay?" The young mother emphasized some more.

The little girl tried her best not to cry from the pain but her watery eyes weren't cooperating and she would have to wipe away any brimming tears.

...Her daddy said big girls don't cry.

For her own sake, it had been her father's way to teach his daughter to learn to control her emotions from the blood-sucking industry that she was surrounded by. Though she was originally not a cry baby and was much collected than the children her age, it was all to protect herself.

Like how everyone was trying to get out, the young mother tried her best to smash the window open, but it just wouldn't work. In the end, she had to carry her daughter and wait for where others were exiting the bus. Despite being in a life-threatening situation, the young mother was very composed, as if this was not the first...


The crash could be heard from afar which stopped Mi Rong from teaching a lesson of how boys should 'hit on someone'. She turned around to see the shocking scene; she couldn't hold in her emotions and immediately ran off from where she was standing to the bus. The young man was left flabbergasted as to how fast she could run. One moment she was lecturing him and the next moment she completely ditched him. Sigh, what a bummer. For Mi Rong, it was her first time ever seeing a crash in modern time, but all she knew was she had to help the people trapped inside the bus.

Some people were already trying to help the passengers out of the bus. However, the mother and daughter who sat at the back could only wait for the rest to get out. Although they were both stuck, the mother was also helping the rest of the passengers to get out from inside.

Mi Rong did not take long to get to the crash and as she approached the crash scene, she tried to locate where she should help. She finally saw the back seat passengers were still struggling to get out of the bus. She went near the bus and signalled everyone to move back. Mi Rong then kicked the back side windows and the window that was so hard to open was finally smashed.

After Mi Rong broke the window, the mother helped people to out of the bus and more people came to aid Mi Rong. One by one the passengers came out. Mi Rong reached out her hands to save the little girl that was sent to her by a young lady. She carried the little girl and gently laid her down on the side of the road further from the bus.

There was only the young lady left inside the bus, but her clothes were stuck to a sharp pillar. She couldn't make her way out.

When Mi Rong turned around and was walking closer to the bus to get the mother who was struggling, the bus suddenly exploded. Due to the close distance with the explosion, Mi Rong's body was sent flying back from the force of the explosion. She found herself laying on the road numb. Fuzzing noises were running in her ears wave after wave. Blood was bleeding from her nose, she kept on blinking as her eyes could not focus on anything. When her eyes were slightly better, she looked around and saw a figure of the little girl trying to get up to get back to the burning bus.

"Mami!" The little girl's cry was heartbroken, but her eyes were persistent.

A strength from somewhere she did not know rushed into her body. She forced herself to get up as soon as possible. Mi Rong then instantly ran to the little girl. She caught her and hugged her tightly on spot.

However, nobody had expected that there would be a second explosion right after. The explosion lit up from the bus once again. Slowly Mi Rong's tight grip on the little girl loosened and they both fell to the ground unconscious. Mi Rong's back had shielded the girl from all of the explosion, but it was not easy for the pair.

Memories and memories rushed inside Mi Rong's head. Images of her imperial father, mother and her brother, who must all be living in another time period, came into her head. A time period far from her reach. Memories of the white-haired lady who came to her on the day she was forced to leave her family behind. She was given a task which she had almost absolutely no clue of finding what it was in this world.

It all started back then when...