
Chapter 6 - The Ritual. (2)

Walking to a famous store that he had only seen in his memories earlier and had never been to in this world, Loki joined the queue with a bright smile.


Many people in the line sent curious glances Loki's way but he ignored them to save himself from any confrontation that might occur due to his status as a poor homeless orphan.

But everyone seemed to be stifling a peal of laughter as they caught glances at Loki's clothes.

'Why is everyone looking at me like I'm a clown!? I'm wearing such cool clothes. Do they not like this fashion style?'

Loki's shirt was a bright neon pink colour with the picture of a small cartoonish budgie painted on it in neon yellow.

'Do they not know who Bungy the Budgerigar is?'

"Hey, kid! Where is your mommy?" One of the adults close to Loki in the line asked.

"My mommy is in the house good Sir.", Loki responded as politely as he could without rousing anyone's suspicion.

"Haha is that so."

*Nod* *Nod*

'Being a child pays off. Everyone believes you no matter what.' Loki thought.

"What do you want today then?" The older man asked.

"I want a patty burger for me and my sister!" Loki said with a wide smile.

"Is that so? Then how old is your sister?!"

"She's turning four next month!" Loki exclaimed, excited that someone was talking about the greatness of his sister with him.

"I can see you love your sister deeply."

"Un. Un! This is going to be the first time Elane will eat WcDonalds! That is why I'm so excited."

"Is that so?"


"Then I wish you luck so that your sister likes what you take for her."

"Thank you, good sir."

With a nod, the gentleman ended the conversation as Loki reached the front of the line during this time.

"What's your name young man?" the receptionist asked.


"Ooo, that's a unique name."

"It is."

"So what would you like, Loki?"

"One Quarter Pounder with a side of French Fries please."

"Alright that will be 50p, can I interest you in any of the drinks we have?"

"No that will be all."

"Alright. Thank you for purchasing at WcDonalds, you may collect your order at the collection counter two windows down the right. I hope you choose to eat with us once again."

"Thank you! I will." Loki was overjoyed at how easy it was to buy food in this day and age when things seemed so cheap. So he patiently moved to wait near the next counter for his order to be called.

It wasn't long before Loki's name was called and he walked up to the counter to pick his Quarter Pounder up.

Looking at the Quarter Pounder and the few french fries inside the cover Loki was overjoyed, 'Elane is gonna love these.'

Loki rushed home and soon found himself in the shack where he spotted Elane playing by herself with a few dolls Loki had stolen for her.

"Elane! I'm back!"

"Big Bwother!!!"

"Haha! Look! I got something special for you!"

"What is it Big Bwother!?"

"Ha! I will only give it to you if you tell me something!"


"Who's the best big bwother there is!?"

"You are!"

"Haha! Thank you!!" Loki smiled proudly and handed the cover with the Quarter Pounder and french fries to Elane for her to attack.

Elane quickly opened the package and smiled with bright eyes as she spotted the Quarter pounder inside the cover.

"Big Bwother!!! You went to WcDonalds!!!??"

"Yes!! Your Big Bwother went to WcDonalds today to get you your lunch!"

"Thank you Big Bwother!!!!"

"No worries, my cutie pie sister deserves the best!"


Elane and Loki then shared half of the quarter pounder and each had some with Elane still eating the larger share. While she tried to eat less by arguing about having grown up, Loki didn't listen and fed her a little more.

They also had to save a little bit so that they could still eat during the night.

It wasn't long before Elane *burped* a little and slowly grew drowsy before falling asleep on Loki's legs.

'Hmm…with the food remaining, can I perform the Luck Enhancement ritual?'

'I only have three ingredients, a leftover burger, french fries and sauce.'

'What can I use as my fourth sacrifice?'


'Surely the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth won't be angry if I use water?'

'I mean, everyone like a good glass of water after a fresh meal?'

Loki shivered a little at the thought of making the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth angry so he decided to think of something else.

'Or can I just use the Burger patty as a separate food in the ritual?'

'Yes, it's better to use the patty as a separate food sacrifice for the ritual.'

Loki smoothly put Elane's head on a folded cloth to cushion her while she slept and moved around the shack to quickly place different foods in each corner.

A burger bread in the first corner, a patty in the next, French fries in the third and sauce packets in the fourth.

Taking a deep breath and calming himself down, Loki began the ritual taking his first step counterclockwise to form a square while chanting, "The Immortal Lord of Heaven and Earth for Blessings."

Taking his second step he said, "The Sky Lord Of Heaven And Earth For Blessings."

With his third step, he said, "The Exalted Thearch of Heaven and Earth For Blessings."

And with his final one, he concluded with, "The Celestial Worthy Of Heaven and Earth for Blessings."

Before Loki could close his eyes and wait for five minutes in silence for the ritual to finish a cacophony of whispers, wails and screams graced his ears.

The screams and wails almost fried his brain but the shock of it all left him momentarily discombobulated.

He felt like he was thrust into the same Crimson light that had stained his room on the day he was transmigrated.

He tried to move but the air felt heavy and thick as if resisting every action he was making.

In mere moments, Loki found himself separated from his body as he was yanked out of his head uncomfortably and thrust into a sea of endless calm.

Slowly opening his eyes, Loki found something that only made him excited.

"I'm above the Gray Fog.", Loki spoke with excitement and finality as he recognised the place he was currently standing in.

Several Crimson Stars dotted the endless grey fog as Loki made sure not to touch any of them since he didn't want to summon any unknown Beyonders of this world without information about them yet.

'I can't be as good as Klein at pretending to be a sequence 0 true god with how different the things here are.'

'I must exercise caution, otherwise, I might end up dead or worse before I even start my new life.'

'Who knows which god might try to rope me into their plans or corrupt me to plan a deity's decent, or worse.'

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